MFA 502.
Display - off with the highlight of my MFA 502 แlgwkan This version displays no less interesting. The touch screen is used in many expensive PDA. But this time it appears to be on the phone setting. Thereby creating an alternative to the other hand. Its resolution is 176 x 220 pixels and the screen is a TFT 262,144 colors by me saw the light of it. Maybe not so much. Compared with the PDA would not be in that beauty, it was not disappointing in the slightest. And if it would mean too little to gauge with 502 PDA with different price levels.
Display - off with the highlight of my MFA 502 แlgwkan This version displays no less interesting. The touch screen is used in many expensive PDA. But this time it appears to be on the phone setting. Thereby creating an alternative to the other hand. Its resolution is 176 x 220 pixels and the screen is a TFT 262,144 colors by me saw the light of it. Maybe not so much. Compared with the PDA would not be in that beauty, it was not disappointing in the slightest. And if it would mean too little to gauge with 502 PDA with different price levels.
Physical Overview.
Front - next to the display down to the bottom of the keypad. It is surprising that it has a touch screen. But the key to it, however, let us make it easier. With a screen of this size is not big. If we have to press the numbers on the screen are more difficult to press. The chance of failure is high. For this reason, we see that the keypad is revealed. As easy to hold as the standard by which I do not have to be a headache for the post.
Left - see what is plainly not contain, unless the volume keys. The headphone jack is covered with cork to keep out dust, combined with a neatly attached to the machine. I lost it. In addition, we can see that hole with the stylus pen. I will remove the stylus, which is a common plastic. Did not have an iron core. It can be bent back and forth. Lack the strength to little.
Right - the shutter is attached to the camera. And is not designed to be used in a horizontal Press and hold on the screen to standby. Mode, the camera will open up. And repeated into a recording studio to handle it.
Above - the area of the hole for a lanyard. As well as a flashing light that is opposite to the front a little. The flashing lights will be turned on for a short while. Which consists of red, green, blue, purple, yellow and blue as well as closed.The setting is in the profile.
Below - with just a microphone. Jack and charger. The data show that. A mini-USB. The camera port is standard equipment and also it has rubber off it as well.
Rear - includes multimedia speakers for playing music or ringtones, a speakerphone. And it has a glass lens, combined with a self-trapped. Next below the battery cover with the chrome release button is located below. Return to talk a little speaker here.
Body as a whole -. As well as in parts of the assembly. Is strong. It has a few issues to talk about. The rubber stopper with the hole in it is very easy to unpack. Fear or lack of it to be used on long. The shiny black plastic is used to make dirty fingerprints. And it appears to be clear, if you do not maintain it, it would hurt the poor 502.
Main Features.
Touchscreen Display.
Touchscreen Display.
Guess when I describe how to display it. Will see that this model has a touch screen display. If you just look outside.Only the unexpected. Because it is the key to a screen with 176 x 220 pixels, however, I will respond. Perfectly. When we remove the stylus, tap the menu, it will respond immediately. Unlike mobile OEM models. It is also shown. Perfect TFT 262,144 color display, we can change the wallpaper. And animated screensaver freely.
The input is a numeric keypad 502. Or are known to the keypad to enter text into. In the same phone. But no one came to help with spelling. The text across the screen. To the virtual. Keyboard with both Thailand and the UK. In the case of a foreign language is a QWERTY keyboard with the keyboard language, we will sort it alphabetically. In addition.Another input that is available. Writing our own handwriting, which covers the use of English only. At which point the user can change the color of the pen. To write on the screen. To speed up the response. So that we can enter the information faster. Precision in writing. It is very well done. But we will have to write a big post. However, because it was the hand of the screen is available. There may be some problems, for example the F is a very bad example.
When used in a long time. It is possible that the accuracy of dip down. Which is not uncommon. We can Calibrate the screen in the Other setup, then the user will have to stab the target three times. Then I felt a lot more precision. (Amazing deal).
The Entertainer.
I must give this an entertainer 502 scanner again because I do use multimedia features. It's really quite well. Start a MP3 player that plays almost a standard for mobile phones in this age already. The music player's equalizer can be adjusted according to the needs of the user. Divided into Normal Bass Dance Classical Treble Party Pop and Rock in the song by either creating playlists (Playlist) playback, random playback and to play the back ground when you run. The other side of the machine.
But before the end of the 502 being a music FM radio installed in it. Channels 9 and I have a band support is the one decimal place. To access the fast wave. We can do it by entering the number to get the next screen Manual input. If you want to keep it for our own tune. Just press the up arrow icon to display. Auto tuning stuck up. And press the left or right. It will find the waves that it can be received at the time. For those who listen to it really.
Video player supports 3GP and MP4 file size is too big. Including the need to be followed. The machine can read, I try to open MP4 File Size: 9 MB in view. It turns out that I have a file of this type. But I will not play it on the 502 so I can play video in landscape. In order to have a truly enjoyable.
Toys in the manner of a thread to mobile OEMs. Whether it is a simple image editor. In the title.
Photo artist when they see it in the menu. With a multitude of features. The first is to add effects to images 13 and 10 of the frame 18 plus icon to make a colorful addition to a lot of them. But I would not wear it. That picture is not a mess. This is not just me. When viewed in section 502 of the image to adjust the brightness of the image. The light has three shades of red, green and blue (RGB) as well as rotation. Any larger and larger sizes.
Photo artist when they see it in the menu. With a multitude of features. The first is to add effects to images 13 and 10 of the frame 18 plus icon to make a colorful addition to a lot of them. But I would not wear it. That picture is not a mess. This is not just me. When viewed in section 502 of the image to adjust the brightness of the image. The light has three shades of red, green and blue (RGB) as well as rotation. Any larger and larger sizes.
1.3 Mega pixels Digital Camera.
Camera of this model is that the user is in a vertical position. The shutter button is on the side somehow. Mode when the camera came out. We will find the Viewfinder screen so that the image data at various spots. The exposure to that level. I left the range of the zoom out. There are many more, including details of its setting in the camera, it's no less so, such as a White balance Auto Daylight Tungsten Fluorescent Cloud and Incandescent Night mode is for shooting at night. Function to prevent image shake out. The quality of the photos. In terms of the effect it had on me as Grayscale / Sepia / Sepia Green / Sepia Blue / Color Invert / Gray Invert / Blackboard / Whiteboard / Copper Carving / Blue Carving / Embossment / Contrast / Sketch regarded it. as the version in your mobile OEMs. (I'm beginning to be tired, I think) if we want the novel before shooting. We also put a sticker added to it. The unit will have to put together a 10 and a self-timer, continuous shooting of images taken can be stored in a memory that I have chosen.
OT, but this is still only 502 can save the videos in any length. It depends on the remaining memory. What interior features does not differ much from a digital camera. Within the settings menu. I found that we can change the format of the file to be saved. H.263 and MP4, which is divided into a few problems, but when I select a file after it. The animations are also stored in the 3GP format, because it can not be changed to MP4 video or audio recording of this version can come with it. Or you can turn it up to you guys.
Sample images from the camera.
Talk about quality. I still do not see it only in common. This is evident from the mobile, it is not cool. But the advantage of it is shooting in low light reasonably well. Tone of the picture is a little blue. If the tone of a photo buff, I like to see.Probably will not like. I do not judge. It depends on the preference of the individual over
Huge Memory and the Expanded Card.
The internal memory of this model has a very high capacity. Because we used to rejoice together to 121 MB. By spec and memory of 128 MB but its numbers are not broken out a bit, which is typical of a computer system. In addition. Add a memory card to do this from an external mini SD as well. I myself do not have the assurance that we will put it into the card size.
If talking with the ability to call 502 unless there is one already. It is also a card. Reeder further apart. When I plug the data cable that came with the computer and the phone. We can access the memory card immediately. The machine will shut itself down to a smooth operation. And I can transfer files into it like it was a flash drive so ever.
Additional Features.
Optimal Organizer.
Organizer of this model serves well enough to do it. The calendar will be put into the appointment. By the time we choose. On the notes, including the warning that we need to have a voice. And even more than that. It is the same in each case, we set up an appointment to play it, please alert. The time series that we did not want to miss. And the list of things to do (To do list) 502 will allow us to share your calendar with appointments. In addition. Organizer is also equipped with many convenience for us. Such as alarm clock, calculator, alarm, 3 time for a stylus to poke at the screen. Converter is able to convert meters to 2 types of weight and length. And a world clock. Health calculator that can tell us whether or not too fat. Combined with the hundreds of women with menstrual cycle.
Optimal Organizer.
Organizer of this model serves well enough to do it. The calendar will be put into the appointment. By the time we choose. On the notes, including the warning that we need to have a voice. And even more than that. It is the same in each case, we set up an appointment to play it, please alert. The time series that we did not want to miss. And the list of things to do (To do list) 502 will allow us to share your calendar with appointments. In addition. Organizer is also equipped with many convenience for us. Such as alarm clock, calculator, alarm, 3 time for a stylus to poke at the screen. Converter is able to convert meters to 2 types of weight and length. And a world clock. Health calculator that can tell us whether or not too fat. Combined with the hundreds of women with menstrual cycle.
GPRS Connection.
It will be connected via data line 502, and a data transmission via GPRS also allows users to play internet. It will work with the built-in WAP Browser 2.0 to display wax off. Select the page that you are beautiful. The browser is capable of displaying still images or movies at all. Not only is the internet alone. It also provides a connection to send or receive MMS messages to find messages of this type from you as well. But I want to say in the message eh.
Picture Phonebook.
It's like the phone book of the mobile OEMs is that you can read in the previous reviews. Overall, it is considered to perform well. It can include details such as mobile number, home number, fax number email address, company name and birthday. In addition. Separate ringtone for each line independently of the Associate sound in the list. Of course, it was a picture to show up when a call is another. Memory capacity for up to 500 entries in the system if there is no deal to be a headache as well. We can choose the memory I'd like to collect them. Including off Butterfield (Field) who do not want to leave.
It's like the phone book of the mobile OEMs is that you can read in the previous reviews. Overall, it is considered to perform well. It can include details such as mobile number, home number, fax number email address, company name and birthday. In addition. Separate ringtone for each line independently of the Associate sound in the list. Of course, it was a picture to show up when a call is another. Memory capacity for up to 500 entries in the system if there is no deal to be a headache as well. We can choose the memory I'd like to collect them. Including off Butterfield (Field) who do not want to leave.
Messaging System.
The text of this version of the system, we used three types of SMS EMS and MMS by two will work together in networks GSM GPRS is not just similar to the latter category. The capacity to store it. I can not tell you how it's stored. Due to the mentioned percentage. But for those messages. We can see how much storage space remains. It informed them that 100 full-text, which does not use memory other items in addition to the 121 MB that we have, however, within the text is a submenu under another one is SMS Counter, which will tell us. a message from me to you. There is a message from me. Allows us to calculate the cost of this on their own. Prior to the bill you at home.
Final Opinion & Conclusion.
After taking the time. It was a particularly satisfying. It can support my work to some degree. Such as ring tones, True tones. It has a camera and take pictures of different views. It took a little time to listen to the radio in the bathroom. Print and send short messages quickly. With the cost of it is too high, the MFA 502 is ideal for those who want a feature rich mobile. Multimedia support in all aspects. Including the novel use of a touch screen display as well. I also believe that the MFA is the brand to trust the brand, one of the leading mobile OEMs to release it.
After taking the time. It was a particularly satisfying. It can support my work to some degree. Such as ring tones, True tones. It has a camera and take pictures of different views. It took a little time to listen to the radio in the bathroom. Print and send short messages quickly. With the cost of it is too high, the MFA 502 is ideal for those who want a feature rich mobile. Multimedia support in all aspects. Including the novel use of a touch screen display as well. I also believe that the MFA is the brand to trust the brand, one of the leading mobile OEMs to release it.
Main display.
With a large clock. |
Enter information into Thailand.
On the virtual keyboard. | Languages in Thailand. |
Select the input.
The fourth series. |
The writing on the screen. |
The accuracy of the dip. |
Built-in memory.
Large-scale |
FM radio.
Insert it.
In image editor. |
On Focus.
Stylus pen and a piece of plastic. And project it into steel. It can be bent back and forth a little. Hold time may be less stable. Yet it is a viable target. You can poke the screen correctly and without error.
Memory of the machine can be used as a flash drive, 121 MB, which ever is less. I also took a card. Reader for use with Mini SD further apart. This Chuck Handy. The old drive home anyways.
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